Learning to live
“Only Love Heals” allows you to heal yourself and find love and compassion for others.

Sharing the idea that “Only Love Heals” has become a passion project for me. It’s message is universal and so simple at the same time.
The premise is that whatever the situation, only the energy of love will heal it! The energy of love is in caring, understanding and respect. It’s in forgiveness, trust and kindness.
“Only Love Heals” was born from countless sessions with clients. No matter what issue we were working on, the idea of “Only Love Heals” presented itself as a way of healing and eventually a way of life
If there’s anywhere you’re not loving yourself it shows up as fear energy like anger, hate and judgment or lack of forgiveness for yourself or another person. This doesn’t help anybody.
When you allow the concept of “Only Love Heals” to come into your consciousness it raises your vibration offering you ways to become happier, healthier and more whole.
You know this concept better than you think. When someone you love is hurting you pray for them. A prayer is the energy of love...sent. You also send them good thoughts and hope for the best possible outcome, which is more love energy.
The same thing applies to you. When you are hurting, no matter where the hurt comes from, if you learn to love yourself through it then you have the power to heal.
This also applies when you’re not hurting. Do you have loving thought about yourself or do you make up stories of how you fall short or could have done something better? There is nothing wrong with striving to do things better. What isn't okay is all the negative self-talk that might accompany it in the mean time.
The negative self-talk can stem from you not feeling safe, good enough or even worthy of love.
At any time you can choose to respond with the energy of fear or the energy of love.
If you are using the energy of love as an approach to anything, then you exponentially increase your chances of success. Compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and understanding are all healing energies that fall under the umbrella of love.
Love comes from within, fear comes from the outside.

When you learn to love yourself your happiness is assured. You are no longer dependent on another person, place or thing to feel joy, belonging or peace.
Knowing that love is an energy, and is, the opposite of the energy of fear you’ll understand that only the energy of love heals. The expression “Only Love Heals” has emerged from this wisdom. Love is an energy and we are all made up of this energy. The work is in uncovering and discovering our true selves. You’re not your drama or your trauma. You are the energy of love!
Finding love and compassion for yourself and others allows you to love deeper and wider as your default becomes “Only Love Heals”
I want you to know that if you are breathing you can learn to love yourself and no one can take that away from you.